Friday, 19 July 2013

Dollar store crayons. Never buy them.

This is the reason why I will never buy dollar store crayons ever again.

I bought my daughter her first set of crayons sometime before she turned one, I don't remember when exactly, I do remember she was a roly poly little monster and I had to show her how to use them and that they weren't for eating.  Very shortly after I gave them to her I thought those crayons are pretty expensive for the destruction they're going through right now.  I let her completely destroy them, she would rather peel the paper off than colour with them.  I bought the name brand crayons at the toy store.  I did appreciate that those crayons washed off everything.  She would tell me when she coloured on the walls by saying "oh oh e i oh" (her way of saying crayons or colouring because we were trying to teach her the vowels anytime we were colouring together) and lead me to the crime scene.  I would get a cloth for the both of us and we would clean the mess together.  I do my best to teach her that art is for paper and not the walls or the floor or anything else for that matter.  For the most part shes good about where she puts crayon, it`s usually on her or in a colouring book.

Those crayons actually lasted a really long time, they have been chewed, thrown, smashed, used as hammers and rockets and not many of them have paper on them anymore nor are they the original length they used to be.  I should buy more crayons.

Almost every evening around 7:30 we take the little misses out for a walk to the park or the dollar store to burn that last little bit of energy before bed.  This time we went to the dollar store.  Walking up and down the isles I saw crayons.... cheap crayons!  $1.50 for 36 crayons!  OH MY!  I grabbed them and a little note book.  I just beat the system haha.

The next morning is when I released the crayons into my daughters possession.  She was so excited, she coloured for most of the morning.  then the boredom set in and she was looking for something else to colour on.  The bathroom was the perfect place to draw.  On the cupboards, the floor and the door.  As usual I told her that`s not where we colour and then tried to clean it, but this time it wouldn`t come off.  Its just smeared everywhere.  Now I know why they`re $1.50, man this sucks.

So, regular dish soap didn`t work.  Neither did wood soap, or bathroom cleaner.  I don`t usually use magic erasers but they`re built for stuff like this, I think they`re going to be my new best buddy when it comes time to cleaning stubborn messes like this.  I still had to put a bit of elbow grease into scrubbing the crayon off, but it finally came clean, thank goodness!

My lesson has been learned, don`t cheap out on crayons.  Never ever again.